Title of the Practice: Swacchatake liye Uvaa


 Objectives of the Practice-

 The College has a strong NSS wing workingunder the NSS Cell, Shaheed Mahendra Kerma University, Jagdalpur. The collegepromotes NSS for overall development and character building of the students aswell as to extend its activity at the community level. NSS is the best platformfor community service. The college has adopted the Eragaown, Budyli, Raurwahi,Ghotha Gram for its extension activity. This is the Trible population to whichthe college belongs. Further it is also stated thatit is the development of personality of students through community service thisobjective is achieved by enabling the student to:

·        Understandingthe community in which the volunteers work.

·        Understandingtheir relationship with the community in which the volunteers work.

Identifying the needsof the community in which they work and involve the local 

·        peoplein their task.

·        Developmentof social and civic responsibility in the volunteers.

·        Usetheir knowledge in solving the problems of the local population in that area.

·        Developmentof competence in volunteers which is required for living in group and sharingof responsibilities.

·        Gainskills in organizing community participation.

·        Acquirementof leadership qualities and democratic attitudes of the volunteers.

·        Developmentof stamina in the volunteers for emergencies and natural disasters.

·        Thepractice of integrity and national harmony by the volunteers.




The activities need to be scheduled as per theconvenience of the women who are otherwise engaged as domestic helpers or thegirl children busy with the household chores. Sufficient mobilization is neededto introduce new ideas to the girl children as they lose interest very easily.Organizing health awareness programme is equally challenging as they seem tohold a strong affinity to the age-old misconceptions regarding female healthpertaining to puberty and motherhood. The planning and designing of programsneed to be done accordingly.

The Practice

 NSS through the Regular Activity and SpecialCamp activity involve the teachers, students and the dwellers of the Budeli,Raurwahi, Ghotha(adapted for 7 days camp) in Health Awareness Programmes, Youthfor cleanliness , Inspection of toilets under construction in the village,cleanliness of water sources, cleaning of streets, educational cultural programme, Drug de-addiction rallytaken out.

‘Beti Bachao and BetiPadao’ Nasha Mukti Abhiyan, Tree Plantation Day, Skill development throughworkshops and formation Self-help Group Cultural programmes involving thestudents and the rural people Swachha Bharat Mission- keeping the collegecampus and surrounding clean through awareness generation. No Plastic campaigns(College to declare its campus as Plastic Free Zone). Clean Campus Mission-Awareness Programme with the hawkers around the college campus and Gode gramabout how to keep the locality clean by using bins and discarding the use ofcarrying bags). Surveys among the rural people of gode gram on health, education,employment, the population of animals and environmental awareness.


 Evidence of Success

·        The college has concentrated mainly on theempowerment of women and girl children of the slum. The NSS cell for over twoyears has concentrated mainly on the skill development of women and girlchildren.

·        The NSS has always proven to be fruitful for the betterment of the remoteareas and also for their well being.

·        A change in villagers attitude towardscleanliness was clearly evident. Calls and invitations were received from thevillagers to the college to organize more training and guidance sessions onYoga and Medical Camp.


·        The participated students appeared moresensitized and motivated as their participation in other r social activities,conducted by college enhanced.

·        The organizational skill among thestudents appeared to be enhanced while organizing various programmes in thecolleges.

ProblemsEncountered and Resources Required

The NSS Cell of thecollege has a separate committee with energetic young and senior teachers. TheProgramme Officer of NSS takes decisions on regular activities and special campactivities through periodic meetings. Apart from this sometimes the Volunteersfind it difficult to encourage the female crowd to invest adequate time inlearning skills. This is mainly because the female crowd is working as domestichelpers.  Thecampus- community interaction serves encourages social mixing among adiversified crowd AND promoting communalharmony and on the other hand such frequent interactions and visit the collegecampus by the young girls raise enthusiasm among them to join higher college ofstudy for a better future.


The motto or watch worldof national service scheme “NOT ME BUT YOU” that is selfless service to thesociety from college going student. The overall objectives of NSS is service tothe community offered while undergoing education. NSS is playing an importantrole in the development of the country and of the students associated with it.NSS has helped many people who were affected by some calamity. With so manybenefits of NSS, every student must try to join NSS. For those who want to dosomething for their nation, NSS is a very good option. The students, who are apart of NSS, must tell other students about the benefits of NSS and motivatethem to join it. NSS provides the students with a platform for serving theirnation and their personality development also. National service scheme has beenperforming many important tasks and bringing good results from them. NSScontains the young population of the country, that is, the students studying incolleges and higher secondary schools. The young blood of these volunteers hasa lot of passion. This helps in the overall development of the volunteers. Thevolunteers gain confidence by participating in the NSS activities. They get toknow how to make plans in order to complete a task. They develop skills likepublic speaking, raising funds, educating others etc. even if they fail in anytask; they get to learn from their failures. It improves their level ofunderstanding. Theymake the people about important needs to live and tell them how to improvetheir living conditions. In this way, it is beneficial for the country and thevolunteers both.

 InstitutionalBest Practice–II


Title of the Practice: Career guidancethrough competition classes.


 Objectivesof the Practice


This practice helpsstudents with career guidance, confidence building, expand and enrich theknowledge base of the students, and prepare them for various competitive examsas most of the students belong to the rural background.


The Context


After completinggraduation and post graduation, some students face problems in the selection ofa career. In this context, college starts regular competitive class with themotto of career guidance. Our college belongs to the rural area where most ofthe students from below middle-class environment where the biggest problem isthe economic problem. The main challenging issue is the lack of a large room orauditorium.


The Practice


The college startscompetition classes in 2017 which is absolutely free for every student. We tryto change the mentality of parents about women’s education. We convince them toteach their girls so that she would stand on her own legs. These classes areopen to all girl students. Regular competitive exam classes are conducted inthe college.


Evidence of Success


Most students of thecollege attend the class regularly. Irregular students became regular. Thisrepresents evidence of success. Some students are selected in railway, army andother government and non government agencies.


Problems Encountered andResources Required

 Some students come from far and wide to studyin college. Due to the lack of the hostel facility in the college, they comedaily from home, so they cannot participate in competitive classes due tolimited transport. Due to the lack of a large room or auditorium in college,very few students go to class. Some student feels the academic burden,therefore they could not attend the class regularly.


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1 GREEN ADUIT Click here
2 ENERGY ADUIT Click here
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